
Recycling is the process of turning trash into new materials and objects, ensuring no energy and raw material goes to waste. Not only does this concept help to save our planet, but it saves tons of energy and resources too.

What are the Benefits of Recycling?

  1. Saves Energy
  2. Less Waste
  3. More Jobs
  4. Protects Our Planet

Saves Energy

Recycling uses far less energy than extracting, processing, and transporting raw materials to make new products.

Aluminum uses 95% less energy when producing new products from recycled ones. While paper and glass use 40% less energy.

Less Waste

Every time we throw away items, we are sending them straight to our landfills, where they sit and rot away, giving off toxins into the groundwater and soil. As a result, this releases greenhouse gases and contributes to global warming.

Therefore, recycling reduces the amount of waste sent to the landfills and allows them to be turned into new items instead.

More Jobs

The more we recycle, the more jobs we are creating. Not only in recycling plants, but in manufacturing companies too.

Four ways recycling creates jobs

  1. Collecting recyclables from recycling bins or pic up centers
  2. Preparing materials for manufacturing and reuse
  3. Manufacturing old materials into new products or goods
  4. Refurbishing recycled materials for reuse

Protects Our Planet

It is far better to recycle products than to damage communities in search for new raw materials. Recycling reduces the need to grow, harvest and extract new materials from the Earth.

This means that fewer forests are cut down, the amount of plastic that ends up in our oceans and landfills are reduced, and less water, soil and air pollution is produced.


Which Items Can Be Recycled?

Certain items can easily be recycled, without losing its quality. While others are made from a combination of materials, making it harder to recycle.

Common Recycled Items:

  • Aluminum – drink cans
  • Paper/Cardboard – cardboard boxes, office papers, newspapers, envelopes.
  • Glass – jars, bottles, broken windows.

Hardest things to recycle:

  • Packaging made from multiple materials
  • Black Plastic
  • Cleaning products
  • Dental products
  • Clingwrap
  • Nappies and sanitary products
  • Nettings


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

From a young age, we have been taught the three R’s – reduce, reuse, recycle. It is important that our communities come together to reduce the amount of waste accumulated each year.

There are simple things you can do that will make a huge difference, such as

  • Finding new ways to use items instead of throwing them out
  • Donating pre-loved goods
  • Making use of recycling bins
  • Bringing your own shopping bags to the stores
  • Avoiding single use items such as plastic cutlery

Remember, there is no Planet B. Take care of the one we have and encourage others to do the same.

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