
For gardening and plant enthusiasts alike, plastic planters are the cheapest and most accessible option. They are readily available at almost any gardening store and at very affordable prices. However, the use of plastic planters come with a long list of issues that most people are unaware of. These issues effect not only the plant that lives inside it, but the environment as well.

Because plastic planters are not built to last, their short lifespan leads them straight into landfills after they are not able to perform their intended function. This is not only harmful to the environment but to your pocket as well since you will need to replace them on a regular basis.

The plastic that is used to make these planters are often toxic as well as non-recyclable. Causing them to end up in landfills as well as make their way into our very own ocean. At least 14 million tons of plastic ends up in the ocean every single year. The constant demand for these plastic planters also adds to manufacturing pollution.

There is however an eco-friendlier alternative – fabric plant bags, also known as grow bags. These planters are made from a lightweight, breathable fabric with a soft, felt-like texture. The introduction of fabric plant bags means more benefits for your plant’s and for environment.

Fabric Plant Bags vs. Plastic Planters

Plastic planters have large drainage holes which causes water and soil to wash away, which creates a mess as well as wastes valuable nutrients that are necessary for plant growth. Fabric plant bags are made from a breathable material which allows for optimal moisture retention. This ensures that your plants absorb all the necessary nutrients properly.

The breathable material also allows for proper air circulation and temperature regulation. Plastic planters usually attract heat from the sun which causes damages to the plant as well as the planter itself.

Fabric plant bags are also far more durable than the cheap plastic planters that are used today. They are also washable and reusable, reducing the amount of plastic that ends up in landfills and in our ocean.

What Are the Benefits of Fabric Plant Bags?

Fabric plant bags offer your plants tons of advantages, such as:

  1. A longer lifespan compared to plastic planters. You can wash and reuse them over and over.
  2. Due to the breathable material, they promote natural air pruning.
  3. Your plants require less watering as the bag keeps the soil moist for longer.
  4. They allow for increased density as well as healthier root tips.
  5. Due to air pruning, they prevent root binding and circling.
  6. An increase in the plant’s yield by 10-22%.

Where Can I Buy Eco-Friendly Fabric Bags?

At EcoWhizz, we stock eco-friendly fabric plant bags available in various sizes. Our plant bags range from R18.95 – R84.95 each and are available in grey or black.

We also stock a wall-mounted vertical garden which is made from the same non-woven material as our plant bags. These vertical gardens are also available in grey and black and come in two different sizes, the 9-pouch, and the 36-pouch.

Our fabric plant bags are available to order directly from our online store.


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