Drip irrigation systems are well-known for saving water. However, this may not always be the case as water will always evaporate in hot weather conditions. Whereas, underground systems, such as the ecotube, the soil protects your water inside creating the perfect moisture conditions for your plants.

What Are Underground Irrigation Systems?

Underground irrigation systems are exactly how it sounds – an irrigation system installed below ground!

Ecotube, our underground irrigation system, aims to tackle the global shortage of water and food, as well as the conservation of resources and the avoidance of waste, which occurs with traditional drip irrigation systems. With ecotube you can save up to 70% water consumption, while yielding up to 30% more plant growth.

The ecotube requires little to no maintenance as it is installed below ground, making it far more durable and no need for the fittings to be replaced. Whereas drip irrigation systems tend to develop a build-up of sodification and sand particles in the pipe, causing blockages.

What Is Sodification?

After the water has moved through the drip irrigation pipe, the excess water left behind may contain different elements that dry up and leave a residue which leads to sodification and a damaged pipe.

With ecotube, sodification is not able to occur as the porous holes of the pipe allow all water to run out, leaving no excess water behind.

Another downfall of drip irrigation systems is that they do not aerate the soil. Compacted and hard soils tend to turn lawns brown or yellow and leads to the growth of weeds.

ecotube reduces compaction, oxidizes the soil, and allows the roots to take up the appropriate nutrients in order to grow as vigorously as possible. Aeration from ecotube combined with Plantosverde treatments will keep your lawns healthy and green all year round.

Where Can I Purchase The ecotube Underground Irrigation System?

You can purchase our 50m or 100m ecotube Home and Garden directly from our online store. We also have the ecotube Flex, which is perfect for small gardens available in 20m and 25m to purchase here. Our irrigation systems include all fittings.

For larger areas, contact us at info@ecowhizz.co.za or 021 518 3024 today for a quote!

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