
There is a long list of negative impacts burning tyres have on the environment and public health is extremely concerning. Although the intended purpose behind burning scrap tyres is to recycle them, it is still the most dangerous and irresponsible method of recycling.

Burning tyres is a common practice as it takes up large amounts of space in the landfills. They also do this to process them into other rubber products, for road construction or for alternative fuel sources.

There is roughly around 150-million tyres that burned every single year. To put that into perspective, burning one single tyre can produce over 2 gallons of toxins. These toxins are not only extremely harmful to the environment, but to human health as well.

Burning rubber releases a thick black smoke into the air that contains a large amount of toxic pollutants such as,

  • Carbon Monoxide
  • Cyanide
  • Sulphur Dioxide
  • Butadiene
  • and Styrene.

This extremely toxic smoke stays in the atmosphere for long periods of time. Which humans and animals later consumed by the humans inhales. The ash and oil from these fires also find their way into our soil, groundwater, lakes, rivers, and streams.

Environmental impacts of Burning Tyres

There are three main effects that burning tyres has on the natural environment. Those being air, water, and soil pollution. For every one-million tyres burned, there is 55 000 gallons of runoff oil generated. As a result, contaminates both the soil as well as our water sources.

Impacts of Burning Tyres on Human Health

Children, the elderly, and people with conditions such as asthma or a compromised immune system are the most at risk. In some cases, the inhalation of these toxic fumes can even lead to fatalities.

The inhalation or consumption of the toxins created by the burning of tyres can result in a range of both short term and long-term health issues. The length and degree of exposure can affect the severity of these health issues.

One of the most highly toxic compounds that comes from this smoke is Dioxin. Which is a toxin that can disrupt reproductive systems, thyroid systems as well as cause neurological damage. Some other effects include irritation of the skin, eyes, and mucous membranes, raspatory effects, central nervous system depression, anxiety, chronic illness and in severe cases cancer.

How To Reduce the Number of Burning Tyres

There are however a few ways that we as a community can reduce the number of tyres that are burned across the world every day. 

Take initiative by collecting any waste tyres or tyres that have been illegally dumped. This helps to avoid them from being transported to landfills or areas where they burn tyres. You can also transport them to recycling stations where they break them down, separate, and clean it to create raw materials for production. 

Some examples of products made from recycled tyres are rubber shoes, playground turfs and soaker hose irrigation systems. Ecotube is one of the most robust subterranean irrigation systems on the market and is mainly made from recycled tyres. 

We can also donate scrap tyres to play parks, sports clubs, or zoos. These places will use them in their original state in various ways. Alternatively, they can upcycle it to create sculptures, artworks, and other crafts.

Benefits of Proper Tyre Recycling

There are many benefits that come from the proper recycling of tyres, such as the:

  • Creation of new and innovative products
  • Minimizing of the number of tyres that end up in landfills
  • Reduction of the negative health benefits caused by burning tyres
  • Prevention of unnecessary fires and pollution

Where Can I Purchase Ecotube?

At EcoWhizz, we are the sole distributor of the ecotube in South Africa. The ecotube has been manufactured in Germany and is made mainly from recycled tyres. 

You can purchase it today from our online store. Alternatively, contact us to place your order and we will assist you!

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