Rooibos Tea is a proudly South African product not only because of its smooth, nutty taste, but because of the health benefits it has to offer too. The many benefits of Rooibos tea are what makes this tea a household favourite.

What Are the Benefits of Rooibos Tea?

Rooibos tea offers many benefits to us which include the following:

  • Promotes Weight Loss
  • High in Antioxidants
  • Caffeine Free
  • Improves Skin
  • Lowers Risk of Cancer

Promotes Weight Loss

Rooibos tea contains between 2 to 5 calories per cup and has no fats or carbohydrates. Due to its naturally sweet taste, little to no sugar to sweeteners are needed.

It also contains a unique antioxidant known as Aspalathin, which helps to reduce the stress hormones in the body. These stress hormones can lead to an increased appetite and storage of fat.

High in Antioxidants

Rooibos tea has tons of antioxidants including the holy trinity – Polyphenols, Quercetin and Aspalathin. With the green rooibos variety containing higher levels than normal rooibos.

These antioxidants are important for your health as they:

  • Help to fight free radicals
  • Reduce infections
  • Give your immune system a boost
  • Balance your glucose levels
  • Assist to bring your blood pressure down

Caffeine Free

Rooibos tea is the drink of choice for pregnant women, children, or those who opt for caffeine-free drinks rather that caffeinated ones.

Caffeine is known to give you that boost of energy, which prevents you from sleeping, worsens your anxiety and can cause heart palpitations.

Improves Skin

Drinking a cup or two of rooibos tea each day can keep your skin looking even and youthful. It contains tons of antioxidants, as well as, alpha hydroxy acid and zinc, which is proven to reduce wrinkles, eczema, and acne.

Rooibos tea offers a soothing effect and can help to reduce irritation and redness. Oftentimes, apart from drinking the tea, people rub the teabag directly onto their face as a natural toner.  

Lowers Risk of Cancer

Research has shown that drinking rooibos tea regularly may lower your risk of cancer.

Due to its tons of antioxidants fighting off free radicals, it prevents cell damage, helps to kill cancer cells, and can reduce tumor growth.  

How much rooibos tea should I drink a day? 

Drinking at least one cup of rooibos tea a day can assist in keeping you healthy. According to experts, the maximum number of cups for rooibos tea is six. Drinking 10 or more cups per day for a year can lead to certain side effects such as liver problems.

What time of day should you drink rooibos tea? 

A cup of rooibos tea is perfect at any time of the day – morning, afternoon, or evening.

Switching out your morning cup of coffee for a caffeine-free alternative, such as a cup of rooibos tea will be more beneficial for you and prevent you from the caffeine crash to come.

Rooibos tea is also perfect for that warm drink we all love to have in the evenings. It is known to suppress your body’s production of the stress hormone, cortisol. Also, due to its anti-inflammatory properties it will help your body to relax.

Reap The Benefits Today!

Rooibos tea can be found all around South Africa, but EcoWhizz is one of the few companies that distribute Red Mountain Rooibos and Green Rooibos Tea.

Reap the benefits today and purchase your box of tea directly from our shop or by emailing

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