
Owning houseplants has become a massive interior design trend in recent years. Adding a few plants here and there can bring life into any space. This green aesthetic has become extremely sought-after. However, having a haven of real plants in your home comes with its responsibilities. There are low-maintenance plant options for those without a green-thumb, these plants will thrive in almost any environment. There are also those plants that require more attentive care in order to grow strong and healthy.

To be a good plant parent and to ensure that your houseplants are alive and thriving, follow these simple steps.

  1. Pick A Spot That Receives Sufficient Light.

Determine the amount of light your plants need in order to thrive and make sure that they are in a place where their needs are met. Different plants have different light requirements. So do your research to make sure that you select the perfect home for your green companions.

  1. Water Your Houseplants According To Their Needs.

Different types of plants have slightly different watering requirements. It is important to do research and understand your plants exact needs so that you can water them accordingly. Succulents generally need less water, while fragile or flowering plants need slightly more. However, the easiest way to understand what your plant needs, is simply by listening to it. Feel the soil and if the top layer of soil feels dry, it is more than likely time to apply some water. It is also important to keep in mind that overwatering can lead to root rot and ultimately do more harm than good.

  1. Fertilize Your Houseplants Systematically.

Applying a foliar feed or a natural leaf fertilizer is the best thing you can do for the health of your houseplants. However, just like overwatering can be harmful to your plants, so can over-fertilizing. Too much fertilizer can burn their roots and stunt their growth. The best time to fertilize houseplants is during the spring and summer months, this is when they will usually be experiencing a growth spurt due to the warmer climate.

Organic fertilizers are the best choice for healthy houseplants. Using an organic fertilizer rather than a chemical fertilizer is not only safer for your plants, but for you and your pets too.

PlantosVerde is a great choice for fertilizing houseplants. This is a high-quality organic fertilizer that you can keep in your home for a long period of time. 1 teaspoon makes 1 litre of fertilizer, meaning you can fertilize all your plants for over a year with only 1kg of PlantosVerde 100% Organic Fertilizer. Pet-owners should be especially careful when using fertilizer on their plants. PlantosVerde is both odorless and pet-friendly. Making it the perfect choice for you, your plants and your fur-babies.

Shop PlantosVerde online here.

  1. Repot Overgrown Houseplants.

Check the roots of your plants to look for root circling. If your plants roots are circling inside its pot, it may be time to repot the plant. Root circling or root binding can cause a plants root system to create a complex ball of roots that can suffocate the plant, stunting its growth and in severe cases killing the entire plant.

If there are signs of root binding, you can transplant your plant into a slightly larger pot.

Another way to solve the issue of root-bound plants is the implementation of WhizzPouch Plant Bags in place of plastic planters or other types of plant pots.

WhizzPouch plant bags or grow bags are made from an organic breathable material which allows for air pruning. This will prevent root binding and keep your plants looking healthier for longer. They are also more attractive than regular plastic planters and they can be washed and reused over and over with their lifespan of 7 years.

Shop WhizzPouch Plant Bags online here.

  1. Clean and Remove Dust from Houseplants.

Just like any other home décor, houseplants look one-hundred times better with regular cleaning, as dust tends to collect on the plants leaves. As well as improving the appearance of your plants, a regular clean will also allow your plants to soak up more light and in turn improve their overall health.

Clean your plants by wiping their leaves with a soft damp cloth or with a gentle shower of room-temperature water. You can also dust them by using a soft brush on plants with textured leaves.

  1. Remove Dead or Dying Leaves And Flowers.

Use a pair of clean sharp scissors to remove any yellow, brown or withered leaves. Removing dying leaves and flowers will encourage new growth as well as prevent diseases.

  1. Keep An Eye Out For Insects And Pests.

There are certain insects that are prone to infesting houseplants. The most common of which are the fungus gnats that appear in large numbers around plants that are over-watered. By avoiding over-watering your plants, you can keep the fungus gnats at bay. There are also many DIY methods of avoiding insect infestation such as using an insecticidal soap or applying a small amount of rubbing alcohol using a cotton ball.

  1. Be Aware Of Diseased Houseplants.

Get rid of any diseased houseplants or at the early stages, remove the affected leaves in an attempt to save the entire plant from deteriorating. By removing affected the plants, you can curb the spread of the disease to any other houseplants. Certain diseases are spread via insects, so by following step 6 and keeping insects at bay, you will be able to slow down or stop the spread of plant diseases altogether.

By following these few simple steps, your houseplants will flourish for many years to come.

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