Christmas is everyone’s favorite time of the year. However, have you actually considered the environmental impact the festive season has? The Christmas season is the most wasteful time of the year. With wrapping paper, cards, ribbons and more all ending up in our landfills and polluting the Earth. This year you can make the shift to a more sustainable and waste-free festive season by following these tips for a eco-friendly Christmas.

  1. Choose a gift that lasts
  2. Switch to eco-friendly gift wrapping
  3. Ditch the plastic filled Christmas crackers
  4. Create your own eco-friendly Christmas tree
  5. Prepare an eco-friendly Christmas meal
  6. Take reusable bags when Christmas shopping
  7. Avoid disposables for the table
  8. Make your own décor
  9. Reuse/recycle as much as possible
  10. Remember what Christmas is all about

1. Choose a Gift That Lasts

Most of us are guilty of panic buying around Christmas time. These gifts tend to have little value, don’t last very long and are eventually thrown out. As a result, they end up in the landfills and do more harm than good.

Instead opt for thoughtful gifts that add value and last a long time, such as a potted houseplant. They can last a lifetime, if cared for correctly.

2. Switch to Eco-Friendly Gift Wrapping

During the festive season, we want the gifts under our tree to look picture perfect. However, decorative wrapping paper, plastic tape and glamourous glitter ribbons is the biggest contributor to the waste accumulated over Christmas time. Most of these products cannot be recycled and end up in the trash.

We can prevent this by switching to eco-friendly wrapping paper that can be reused or recycled. There are tons of paper or fabric wrapping available nowadays. As well as twine or repurposed fabric ribbons that can be used instead of plastic tape.

Not only is this the more sustainable option but when topped off with a flower makes for beautiful and uniquely wrapped gifts under your tree this year.

3. Ditch the Plastic Filled Christmas Crackers

Christmas crackers are a fun addition during the season and has become a must-have for most households. These crackers are usually filled with plastic toys or useless things that are thrown away almost immediately.

Ditch these altogether or look out for plastic-free eco-friendly options. Alternatively, reusable or DIY crackers are a great option! This way you can fill them with things that will actually be used instead of thrown out.

4. Create Your own Eco-Friendly Christmas Tree

Instead of buying a cheap plastic tree that is made to only last a season or two, invest in a longer lasting one that can be reused over and over again.

You can go even further by ditching the plastic tree completely and simply decorating a houseplant or tree you already have in your home. Use any old decorations and some fairy lights and you have yourself a beautiful contemporary Christmas tree.

Not only does this save you money in the long run but cuts down the amount of old plastic trees that lands up in our landfills every year.

5. Prepare an Eco-Friendly Christmas Meal

There is something about the Christmas season where we tend to buy more food than we need and end up with tons of leftovers. While everyone loves a good Christmas meal, we dread having to eat it for the next 3 days after and eventually throw it out.

Instead, plan out your meals and stick to your shopping list to prevent over-buying. Alternatively, you can hand off those leftovers to homeless shelters to enjoy.

Also, try to focus on buying organic ingredients sold with little or no non-recyclable packaging. Going organic is not only better for the environment, but whole organic foods are so much tastier and make for the most hearty and nutritious Christmas meals.

6. Take Reusable Bags When Christmas Shopping

When doing your Christmas gift or food shopping, remember to bring along your reusable fabric bags. Say no to plastic bags at checkout as this will help to cut down the amount of plastic that ends up in the landfills or in our ocean at a later stage.

7. Avoid Disposables for the Table

Most times we opt to use paper plates and plastic cutlery because we don’t have enough for everyone attending. Instead, you can ask each person to bring their own plate and cutlery, which you can wash and return. Also, get some fabric napkins that can be reused multiple times instead of purchasing paper serviettes.

These disposable items often cannot be recycled and end up harming our environment.

8. Make Your Own Décor

We spend so much money each year on decorations that end up being thrown out. Instead buy decorations that will last, and you can use again each year. You can even try to make your own using materials around the house.

A great idea is to grab fallen acorns outside to use on your tree or table settings for a more natural, rustic look.

9. Reuse/Recycle as Much as Possible

Most things thrown away during the festive season can easily be recycled or reused the next year. Save all your wrapping paper from larger gifts to wrap smaller gifts the next year. If the wrapping paper is creased, simply iron it and it will be good as new! Also, be sure to keep those pretty bows and ribbons to use on future birthday or Christmas gifts

All boxes, plastic packaging and bubble wrap can be recycled, or stored for later use.

10. Remember What Christmas is About

Oftentimes, we forget the true meaning of Christmas. When we think Christmas, we immediately think of gifts, décor and the loads of food.  However, that is not what it is all about.

Christmas is the time of year we can get together with our loved ones and reflect on the year we had. All the other things may bring us joy in the moment but harms our environment in the process.

‘Tis The Season to be Eco-Friendly!

This festive season treat your loved ones to a gift that is not only eco-friendly, but that they will love too!

We offer a range of eco-friendly products that you can shop directly from our online store, or by visiting our showroom in Panorama, Cape Town.

Shop your eco-friendly gifts today, with 15% off sitewide!

Christmas just got cheerier!

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